Digital Opportunity Network&#8480

Creating Change Together

Thank you for your interest in joining the Digital Opportunity Network&#8480.

Our goal is to provide opportunities for engagement and connection for both new and current stakeholders as we work collectively to eliminate the technology gap at scale. We’d love to tell your more about how you can join the community of nonprofit organizations that are part of our Digital Opportunity Network&#8480.
Service-Area Pie Map of Digital Opportunity Network

Join the Mission

Does your organization use technology, teach digital literacy or tech-based skills training, or other types or support in your work?  Would you like to connect with other practitioners working to close the digital divide across North America? 

Help us build sustainable, community-based systems for local device deployment, training and support by completing the interest form on this page and we’ll be in touch.


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Share your knowledge

This is a purpose-driven, focused digital community space to connect, collaborate, and learn. Network members are united by the shared purpose of eliminating the technology gap.

Solve problems and innovate

Collaboration is how we will, together, find solutions. Discover what’s working, share your own experiences, and break down silos.

Gain a diversity of perspectives

Our collective ability to drive digital equity is made strongest when people from diverse backgrounds share their viewpoints and lived experiences.

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